Victoria From the Twilight Books Vampire Love

andierox13 posted on Jun 19, 2008 at 06:34PM
Ahhh. The Twilight Series is absolutly ahmazing. The love Edward and Bella share is everlasting and magical. I mean who wouldn't trade their current bf if they have one for Edward or Jacob. The guys in Twilight are absoulutly ahmazing and of course they are smoking hott. You can tell while reading it that Bella and edward would kill or die to save the other ones life.I don't know about everyone out there but I can't agree with Bella more but then Edward is right to about her becoming a vampire I mean she would be giving all human things up...her mom,dad,friends and everything. In return she would to be with Edward for eternity. If I was Bella I would stay with Edward no matter what pain I would have to go through. I just decided to get a topic going and I thought that was the perfect topic. So I would love to hear your thoughts. Would you give everything up to stay with Edward? What about the pain? WOuld you marry him so he would do it?

Victoria From the Twilight Books 1 reply

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over a year ago CullenCult said…
Ummm HECK YEAH!!! lol I think that spending ETERNITY with Edward, would be worth becoming "One of The Undead."